Saturday, January 31, 2009

hampir siap ;p

td tgh melepak kat sofa , dgn ta mandinye lg , ttbe tingat hw y menimbun nimbun mcm hape tu . tros mcm ,*alaa . malasnyeeee* tp diri ini ku gagahkan jua . hahahahahahahahahahahahahah ;DDD . g mandi pastu tros dok kat meje , bukak buku , siapkn hw . pastu ibu perli aku , 'bagosnyeeee anak ibu ni . lg 2 hari na nek skola baru ade spirit na siapkn hw . bagosla . ibu suke anak ibu mcm ni . sejukkkk perot ibu nagndong . brsyukurnyeeee ' , adusssss ! amek kau sbijik ! kn dh kne perli . kawwwww punye ibu aku bg . haha . tp hw blom siap spenuhnye . sbb tetibe prot ni berdangdut plak . haha . lapaaaaaa !

Friday, January 30, 2009

menimbun nimbun .

ha kn . gile blambak hw . satu ape pon ta bwt lg . pegy lib borak je lebih ;p . pdn muke aku .

Thursday, January 29, 2009

no title .

smlm hari gado . gado psl bnde kecik jea . lme jugak la . aku ni da la hati tissu . ngs jea mmnjang . at last , kitorg same2 mngalah . lps da baek tu rase happy lapan macam . kire mcm kebahagiaan kembali pulang laa ;D

abah jahatttttttttt .

abah takotkan aku lagi . cerita puaka niyang rapik uh . isyh . na online sorang2 pon rase mcm ade org teman . eei tanak pkir tanak pkir !

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

tragedi gila . haha ,

bosan gile na mati mampos laa ! hee . tetibe tringat plak psl ari slase arituh . g MV . i mean mid valley . mase tuh aku ngn nina pegy brato na bli ticket wyg . pastu da sampay kat counter abg tuh tye , cite ape dek ? aku ckp , maut . bape org ? aku ckp 4 adults 2 children . oh ok . plih seat dek . aku cm , laa , tggl seat dpn jea ke bang ? ak ah dek . tggl seat dpn . klau na seat reserve , tggu smpay kol 4.30 . aku tgk jam kol 4.27 . oh lg 3 minit . aku tye , bole en klau kitorg tggu sini je . abg tuh ckp , bole2 . tp kne bknalan ah . hee takde ah . adek ta bole tggu sini la . kne brato balek . peh . tanak cm pnjg plak org brato . pastu aku ckp , ala takan ta bole tggu sini ? lg 3 minit jea . abg tuh ckp , ala korang bwt2 la na tmpah ticket . cpt2 blakon . aku ngn nina lyankn jea . bwt2 la mcm na tempah ticket . blakon SLAME 3 MINIT TANPE HENTI . haha . pastu abg tu bole ckp , korg ni msti form 5 kan ? spm candidate . kitotang iyekan ajekk ;D pastu pas dpt ticket sume dy ckp ok bye dek . gud luck fo spm . aku ngn nina cm , ha ok ok . thnks . haha . layankan jea lahhh ! seat tgh punye pasal ;D

Monday, January 26, 2009

gila besa , gila panas , and gila GATAL !

mlm td ikot ibu pegy location spa Q . ok . at first , mcm byse jea la . ruma dy GILA BESAAA doh . tp harap jea besa , ta mcm GILA PANASSS plak en . aircond mrate . tp sume ta bukak . ta baya bil kot . haha . pastu , ade seko crew prangai mcm lahanat , GILA GATALLLLLLL !!!!! bole plak dy ckp ngn aku 'baby jgn nakal2 ea ...' wtf ?! pehal dy na pggl aku baby ? heloooo ! talk to ur fuckin ass lar stupid dumbo ! dy ckp ngn nina , 'how sweettttt' , pastu nina ckp , KEPALEHOTAK MAK KAWWW LAAA WEYYYY ! haha . jgn kate ngn aku n nina jea dy gatal . mak aku pon kene . jantan sundal tu kire naseb baek la sbb bpk aku takde . klau ta , mmg habes la riwayat dy kat situ gak en . haha . pastu en , lupe na cite . mase baru sampay tu , ade la abg tu , konon dgn machonye ajak aku ngn nina mkn , pastu aku ckp , 'tapela bang . da mkn da td .' pastu dy snyum . mmg sumpa dy cover hensem *hensem jadah* . pastu en , tetibe dy jatoh , terlanding msok bwh kosi tros ! nmpk kpale dy jea . hahahahahahahaha ! sumpa aku ta thn doh tgk . pastu da bengang salakn lantai . dy kate 'eh lantai kat sini licin plak' . haha . pdhl lantai tu ta licin pon . bongok gile . pastu , balek cite psl jantan sundal tu , mase mak aku na stat shoot , mak aku cm pakai baju kurung oren . pastu si lahanat tu bole ckp , 'dlm byk2 , sy suke y pkay baju oren tuh jea .' pastu dy pandang aku , aku jeling la kan . takn na snyum plak . eeyuwww ! pastu dy ckp lg kat mak aku , 'eh kak liza da kawen ea ? oh tabole tabole .' eei mcm ape siotttt prangai dy ! mak aku ckp prangai dy mmg cenggitu . da salu kene mara ngn mak aku da . eei nyampah doh tingat muke dy .

Sunday, January 25, 2009


sis da hancor leborkn hati abg kite . nape ? ape sala dy ? dulu punye la janji manis sume mgalahkn gula ! skg ? dga cite ade boy laen pulak . ape sis na sbnanye ? ha ? he has done everything fo you ! psl sis , aik da bnyk sacrifice taw ta ! oh myy ! ta bole trime sis bwt dy camtu . yea , mmg kite ta rpt sgt ngn dy , but , whateva it is , he still my brother ! my one and only . and i know how he feels the moment you left him . he cried badly . idk how many times . but he really miserable . pls . think wisely . don't simply make him suffer . you guys hv been together for 2 years . pls dont make me hate you , shakira .

at last .

siap jugak blog baru . as i said , aku akan copy balek sume cite kat blog lame . tp aku cume copy cite2 taon ni jea . cite taon lpas aku ta copy . but at least aku da tunaikan janji kan ? ;)

hmm .

ta bole phm la ngn prasaan sndry skg . tataw nape . bile tye dry sndry , nape ngn aku ? dpt jwpn , ntah . skg byk sgt tmenung . pastu ngs . ngs tnpe sebab . tbe2 jea . pastu lyn boyf sndry mcm sial . hmm . soryyy . i didnt meant to hurt you . cume , tah la . bile tgh glak2 , tetibe diam . pastu tade mood . knpe ah ? otak da ta betol agaknye . mati lagi bagos . ade mane2 pmbunuh y tgh bace blog ni , meh dtg ruma aku , bunuh aku cpt . *ha kn aku da ckp , kpale otak aku da ta betol.*

semakin menjauh .

b , whats wrong with us ?

holidayyyyyyyyyyyy .

nothing much to say . it just tht , CUTI CUTI CUTI CUTI CUTI ! ;))

what boys should do ;)

1. When she stares at your mouth , kiss her .

2. When she pushes you or hits you like a dumb ass cuz she thinks shes stronger , grab her and dont let go .

3. When she starts cursing at you tryin to act all tuff , kiss her and tell her you love her .

4. When she's quiet , ask her whats wrong .

5. When she ignores you , give her your attention .

6. When she pulls away , pull her back .

7. When you see her at her worst , tell her she's beautiful .

8. When she start crying , just hold her and dont say a word .

9. When shes alone , sneak up and hug her waist from behind .

10. When she's scared , protect her .

11. When she steals your favourite stuff , let her keep it and sleep with it for a night .

12. When she looks at you with doubt , back yourself up .

13. When she says that she loves you , SHE REALLY DOES MORE THAN YOU COULD UNDERSTAND .

14. When she bumps into you , bump into her back and make her laugh .

15. When she tells you a secret , keep it safe and untold .

16. When she looks at you in your eyes , dont look away until she does .

17. When she says it's over , act she still wants you to be hers .

18 . Stay on the phone with her even if she's not saying anything .

19. When she's mad , hug her tight and don't let her go .

20. When she says she's ok dont believe it , talk to her .

21. CALL her at 12:00am on her birthday to tell her you love her .

22. Treat her like she's all that matters to you .

23. Stay up all night with her when she's sick .

24. Watch her favorite movie with her or her favorite show even if you think it's stupid .

25. Give her the world .

26. When she's bored and sad , hang out with her .

27. Let her know she's the most important thing in your life .

28. Kiss her in the pouring rain .




td pj . em kat mane ? kat padang la bangang . takn pj kat bilik guru kot ;p pastu cg soh lari . almost 30 mins . tp aku baru 2 rounds da ta thn . pegy kat cg , 'cg , sy na dok tepi je . sy tanak lari . rase na pgsn lahhh , ' cg ckp oke . pastu smpay cls abes , aku bgn , na g amek buku pastu na msok cls . tetibe , *gelap* . aku pgsn . bgn jea , aku stil kt pdg . dowg sume tga kjot aku . aku nmpk fana , iera , cg , nazura , nadia . tah sape tah lg . aku ta ingt . pastu cg juan dtg . o ow . seb bek dy oke ngn aku . klau student laen da kne lempang da kot . haha . pastu kwn2 papah aku g cls . aku ckp , na balek . pastu aku tggu cg btugas smpay agk lame . huh . tp akhirnya , aku dpt blek ruma . adek2 aku tade . sorg g skola agme sorg g tadika . pastu adek aku y g skola agme tu , naqib , balek . dlm kol spulo lbey camtu la . dy ketok pntu blik . aku ckp , sape ? msok la , pntu ta kunci pon . anddd , aku ta sgke budak umo 7 taon bole rsaukn kdaan aku . dy tye , akak saket ea ? aku kate , ak ah . dy tye , akak oke takk ? aku ckp oke . dy tye , akak ta mkn ea pg td ? aku ckp yup . akak ta mkn . dy ckp lg , nape akak ta mkn ? kn dh pengsan . aku snyum jea . ta sgke budak kcik lg phm aku . ta sgke adek y slme ni aku mara2 , sygkn aku . ta sgke adek y sgt3 nakal , bole jd caring dan baek ngn aku . sgt sgt sgt ta sgke . pastu , bibik hanta mknn dlm blik . adek aku tman aku mkn . bile aku ta habes , dy pakse aku habeskn . dlm blik , kitorg kongsi2 cite . dy cite psl kwn2 dy , skola dy . byse la . budak baru msok skola . msti byk dy na citekn . aku dga jea . pastu , dy kua jap . g siap . na g skola kbgsaan plak . da siap2 sume , dy da na kua ruma tu , dy g blik aku jp . slm aku . oh myyy . dy jarang slm aku . ciom tgn aku . pastu dy ckp , AKAK , CPAT2 LA SEMBUH OKAYYY . aku da ta bole na kate ape . aku snyum . adek aku . umo 7 taon . sgt matang . he is caring than others . i love you adek ;)

kawan aku bukan murah .

kepade ALEP , *name pnoh anak berok ni aku ta tau* . kau jgn ingt kwn aku FANA murah y kau bole 'ANGKOT" . mybe ngn btine laen kau bole buat camtu tp bukan ngn membe2 aku k . kau tu baru pindah and kau baru knl kitorg . myb kau ingt kitorg sosial . yea . mmg agak la . tp ingt ! kitorg TAK JUAL BADAN ! klau aku dpt tau kau buat ape2 kat fana , aku akan pastikan idop kau ta lame setan ! da la baru pindah skola aku . na buat hal plak . cantekkk sket ea . aku baru dga satu cite skng . aku bole diam lg . klau kau lbey2 , tgk ah . isyh ! kate jea dari skola sc , tp otak cetek ! mcm hape ! bodohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!


ibuuuuuuuuuuu ;(

abah called me just now . he said ,'kakak . msok blik abah jap..' and i replied 'nape niy bah ? sound serious .' abah ckp ,'yes . it is .' i step into his room . abah started to open his mouth . but he was like mumbling . aku ckp , 'abah . ckp laa . dont mumble dont fumble.' i thought abah saje na takot2kn aku . thts why la aku gurau2 . then abah started his words . 'kakak , td ibu called.' and i was like , 'oh . oke . anddd , em , why are you telling me this ?' 'td ibu g hosp ampang putri . doct ckp ibu kene operate . ibu saket tulang blkg .'

my heart stop beating . i cried . stop ! dont cry ! oh shittt ! i cant stop crying . ibu ??? saket ??? impossible ! but . hmm . yea . thts the fact . IBU SAKET AND IBU KENE JALANI OPERATION . GET IT ???!!!! ape sume ni ?? nape msti ibu ?!!

the frst thing y aku pker is , klau ibu tade ...
who gonna wipe my tears away ?
who gonna take care of me ?
who gonna listen to my stories ?
who gonna advice me when im havg a probies ?
WHO ???!!!!!!!

ibu i need you . ths is not the ryte tyme fo you to go . ibu you hv to be strong . and i know you are . i'll always stay by your side whenever you need me .

ibu ,
yr love is deeper than ocean .
yr lesson is bigger than the sky .
yr sacrifice is greater than others .
yr lap is more more comfortable than the warm bed .
yr tale is better than the best story ever told .
yr blessings is more powerful than the thousands of seas .
yr shade is cooler than the shade of heavy laden trees .
yr light is brighter than the sun .
yr role is seventy times greater than others mom .
yr place is more sacred than any shrine .
and , yr care is higher than the earth .


what is love ?

love is the sweetest thing in life . no one can deny that love is the soul of life and happiness . falling in love is a very wonderful feeling that could change our life . theres no other words to describe what lovers may feel . its act a mix of many amazing feelings .

fo me , i believe that there's no sun without the love bcs love is like the sun that shines every day to light up people's lives and gv them passion and hope to carry on and to live a new day again and again .

love is not a simple word to say but its also a word with thousands of real meanings . so that to be in love you should really know and feel all the meanings that can drives you easily to this unbelievable world . a lover is sumone you can share with him anything you want , he is sumone that you wont be embarrased to tell him wht do you think or how do you feel , he can gives you his support during any situation and during any field of your life .


seremmmmmmmmmmm .

em act aku tgh takot gile babi skng . td blek skola aku tros g toilet . sblm mlgkh gi pntu toilet tu , aku nmpk bibik aku ade . tgh maen tekan2 hp dy . hee . pastu aku bwt bodo jea la . yela , takan na plok ciom dy kot kan ? oke2 . straight to the point . pastu , mase dlm toilet tuw , *perlu ke aku bgtau aku bwt ape mase tu ? em no .* pastu tetibe pntu tbukak . aku cm , lahanat punye bibik . na gurau pon agk2 la kann . then aku kua , aku tros , BIBIK ! BIBIK Y BUKAK PNTU TOILET EA ???!!! but no one was there . and i was like , ok . kaki aku da stat mggigil . bulu roma da mremang . sumpa da ta brani msok toilet kt blik aku lg . tpkse msok toilet kat dapo jea la pasniy ;)

semalam .

smlm hari y agak puaka . eh ta2 . mksud aku , malang . smlm tgh mkn , aku kol nina . tye dy kat mane . dy ckp dy kat KM . then dy soh dtg sane . aku soh yam bwk kete nina pegy sane . at first dy tanak sbb dy ta bani bwk kete org . pastu yam paking kete kat tepi jln . DIBA bwt2 pndai la en . 'bia aku bwk . bia aku bwk .' aku ckp , 'kau jgn ah diba . aku ta caye kat kau la .' then dy ckp , ' isyh aku reti la . tp aku takot sbb kete byk .' aku kate , ha tayah la bwk . dy na jugak . isyh geram la sial ngn dy tuh . pastu dy bwk , lggr kete org . elok prngai . so , as a conclusion la en , JGN BUAT2 PANDAI K . KAU TA RETI BWK KETE TAYAH BWK .

syg .

hubby u r not useless . b y bwt beby pk cmtu taw ta . b tpu beby . myb b rase ni bnde kck tp b taw en , beby ta ske kne tpu . beby pling pantang . pastu da kantoi tanak ngaku plak uh . yea , mmg beby ckp , slgi ta ngaku jgn contact beby . tp ta pujok lgsg ? oh my ! sumpa taley trime . b pls . u've changed a lot . n its really2 hurt my feelings . beby na b y dulu . beby mkin ta knl b . pls ! ade org mnymar jd b ker ??!!! arghhhh ! u drive me crazy ! im feeling weak ryte now syggg . how can i calm my mind . my head is burnin . hubby . i need your voice . i miss you . and i need your sweet embrace bcs you are my only medicine . why are you tellin me all these lies ? pls b . stop doing all these stupid things . im going insane !!! i cant stand the pain at all . stop it b . i already knew everything . so just tell me the truth . i dont need your stupid lies n reasons anymore . throw it away . i need your honesty . please . pick up your phone now , dial my num . im waiting fo you . i love youuuuu ;(

happy , gembira , sukaaa ;))

yes yes yes yes yes !!! aku dpt msok kls akaun . baru puas haty . tp budak2 kls ade y mcm haram . boys ade 4 , 5 org jea y bole layan kpale . y laen sume mcm gay jea aku tgk . ta brgaul lgsg . na kate anak ustat ta jugak . y pmpn ade stgh y agak pndiam . ha y ni pling aku lmah . aku ni da la bnyk ckp . patuw td plih monitor sume la . aku mcm byse . jd assist. monitor . aku tataw la nape nsib aku dari dulu smpai skg , aku ta pencen2 lg jd assist . agaknye kelahiran aku ni smmgnye ditakdirkan jd assist monitor jea mmnjang kot . lmah btol la . cg bole plak ckp , 'okay students . my expectation to your studies was very high . so please . dont make me dissapointed .' huk alor . cg ni . ingt otak kitorg ni otak robot pe . klau robot tape gk . studyyyyyy jea mmnjang . ta benti2 . pas dga cg bebel sume , kitorg g amek buku teks . mantol gle sbb kls laen sume amek buku besok . tp cg aku soh amek arini gk . cg ckp klau amek lmbt nnt dpt buku burok . haha . bpk ah . cg jahat . hee . aku ngn clssmates sume plih buku lawa2 jea . hee .

oh yea ,td befo dpt kls mcm byse la dok dewan dga cg bg ceramah y tah hape2 . da la dok blkg skli . tu la , sape soh msok lmbt kn . aku ngn fana da stat mlucah . hahahahaha . gile ta senonoh . fana la aja aku . kn dah jd jahat . yeay . padan muke aku .

today . sch ;)

aku mmg da lame ta on9 sbb ;

1) tenet mcm pukimak . streamyx bodo .
2) aku tataw ape msla blog aku . klau na post blog mmg tade y jnis2 tulisan tuh .

so , bg sesape y bace blog aku ni , sori klau burok . mmg mcm haram . kan ? oh btw , stil blom tlmbt kn aku na wish hapy nu ya ! haha . babi ketinggalan . ngeeee . haritu pegy amek result . result mcm anak anjeng y jwb exam . ha kn dah . geram aku . aku dpt 4a 4b je . aku tatw la nape sume org ckp congrats pdhl result mcm taikk ! mmg mase na amek slip tu na tcabot jantong hati usus sume . ikot plan tanak pndg langsong slip tu . tp mulot kwn aku mmg boco . dy curik2 tgk slip aku . aku baru na soh dy tutop mulot dy dah ckp agk kuat , KAU 4A 4B !!! walaweyyyy ! mleleh la sial aer mate . bukan hepy la bangang . aku sdey . mmbe2 sume dah pujok aku . ade ke dowg kate result aku ok . ok siiialll . seb bek bpk aku ta mara . i mean mak bpk aku . aku balek ruma agak lmbt . haha .

hari ni hari kdue skola lps da lame goyang kaki kat ruma . eh keje aku bukan mryap ke ? ;D aku da bwt kputusan muktamad . aku amek aliran akaun n ICT . aku da pk msak2 . bukan msak lg , da hangus pon . haha . aku tanak amek sains . aku benci sains . aku benciiiiiiiii . pastu td , cg y na ngaja ict tu bebel . i mean ceramah . dy ckp , sape maths ngn english y dpt A dlm pmr , dpt msuk ict . i was like , yessssss ! aku dapat aku dapat ! tp tataw la . ramai gile na mati kottt y na msok kls tu . tape la . esok baru tau aku dpt ta msok kls tu .

pastu mse dlm dewan cg tgh cramah sume *ala bukan students sume dga pon* , aku ajak diba pegy toilet . ade la hal sket . hahahaha . tym lalu dpn cls fom 3 aku dgn suke hati je kacaw cg aku tga ngaja . ala cg tu pon spoting . pastu aku troskn pjlnn g toilet . haha . mcm na g mane je . smpai je toilet , the first thing i did was , TENGOK CERMINLA ! BTOLKAN TUDUNG . haha . then diba ckp , babe , sape conteng tudung kau ? aku cm , mane2 ? peh . tanak cm pnjg plak kne conteng ngn pen BIRU . aku tye diba , anak haram mane dok blkg aku ar ?!! diba ckp , ala si keling tu . menyirap je en . aku msok dwn aku tgk keling blkg aku pgg pen wane biru . ha sah . aku tros , wey gle ! kau conteng tdung aku ea ?!!! dy ckp , oh ak ah . aku ckp blek . kau ta rti na mntak maap ke sial ! bodo ! dy cm , ape ? eh babi btol . darah da menyirap en . krosi kne tendang la jawabnye . sian nina y kne kutip brg2 y jatoh tu . hee .

fana try utk hepykn aku blek and aku da stat glak2 . dy ajak aku comolot maen2 . haha . klau dari blkg mmg nmpk real . tp AKU BUKAN LESBIAN . AKU NORMAL . em mase tu dwan da stat bsing sbb cg busyyy . aku ngn diorang ape lg . mlalak la . nyanyi lagu tah hape2 . pastu nyanyi lagu 'di sne mnnti di cny mnunggu' . haha . lgu khas utk eqyn . sbb lgu tu ade kne mngene ngn dy . hee . pastu lagu stay , sume la . gyle bes hari ni even pns dlm dwan tu . em esok kite borak2 lg ea ? bye ;D